digital projects
digital projects
Flagstar Brand Standards Guide
Visual and written guidance for all entities producing branded materials for Flagstar Bank.
Flagstar Bank Social Post Examples
Several examples of social post graphics produced for a variety of business units within the bank.
Flagstar Bank High-Yield Savings Digital Campaign
Materials created to support a large-scale digital campaign launched to stimulate deposits for high-yield savings product.
Flagstar Bank Up To 11 Campaign
Unique creative developed for multiple placements in a venue-specific promotion.
Flagstar Bank In-Branch Digital Signage
Branch- and offer-related graphics appearing on in-branch monitors.
Flagstar Bank Email
Example of an offer email, broken out in segments to show details.
Flagstar Bank Offer Campaign
Offer deployment via several print and digital collateral vehicles.
Flagstar Bank Business Unit-Specific Digital Collateral
All types of digital collateral created to support a number of bank business units.
Offering Memorandum Presentation
Comprehensive marketing packages developed for and implemented by Land Advisors Organization.